
remiPsor should berubbed into the affected skin areas till it has completely absorbed by the cutaneous coverings. In order to reach better results the phytocream should be rubbed shortly after having taken a shower. There are 3 different ways of application.

1) – to use two types of cream, CLASSIC and COMFORT. In the morning COMFORT should be rubbed, and in the evening – CLASSIC. The way of using the phytocream is recommended for people with plenty of leisure time as well as having psoriatic sqamas on the open skin surface (particularly in case of problems on the surface of the head, face, hands). Read the difference between CLASSIC and COMFORT
2) – the phytosalbe remiPsor is to be rubbed once or twice in the evening time with the interval of 2-3 hours. In the morning the remiPsor can be removed so that the patient can stay without it till the next evening procedure takes place. If necessary, the ointment could be rubbed during the day. The scheme is mainly preferred by young people and those with high physical activity. CLASSIC or COMFORT should be used, or both by turns.
3) – 3 days in succession phytocream is to be rubbed 2 times a day, and after that 24-hours break is recommended. The way of using the phytocream is preffered by people inclined to some allergic reactions. CLASSIC or COMFORT should be used, or both by turns.

FOR GENERAL INFORMATION: Phytosalbe remiPsor components that, being rubbed into affected skin areas properly, stimulate building of well-functioning healthy skin. Therefore, the longer the medicine is left upon the skin, the more evident is the result. You should avoid applying the phytocream on the open chaps not to bring infection into them. While rubbing try not to injure the treated areas. Try to avoid deliberate and intensified peeling away of psoriatic sqamas. The usual reaction of your skin for such „diligence” will only be micro-stress that leads to micro-exacerbation. In this regard you should also keep in mind that in the early stages of remiPsor application the most patients (70%) encounter so called „host reaction“ (Koebner effect). In about 30 percent of cases this reaction takes its normal course so slowly that it can go unnoticed, in 70 percent of cases it can occur in the form of minor redness, light itching, less frequently – like tiny extra rash. Usually it appears in the early stages of phytocream application (first 3-10 days) and lasts no longer than a week, and after that continued improvement of cutaneous coverings takes place. You sholdn’t worry about the occurance of this protective reaction and even more, to cease applying the phytocream due to it. The probability of allergic reaction, when applying phytosalbe remiPsor, is negligibly small. Nevertheless, before applying the remiPsor please fulfil the formality – allergotest. Therefore apply a little remiPsor to the backside of the bend of elbow and rub into it. If in 10-15 minutes there no sign of itching, edema or hyperaemia (reddening) appears, it means that no obvious individual intolerance to the components of the remiPsor has been detected.

If skin areas affected by psoriatic rash, are very large, you should start applying the remiPsor to the areas equal to one-two palms and then enlarge them to approximately one palm in a week. If the affected skin area is vast, please take into consideration that the remiPsor has overall effect, i.e, it can affect those skin areas that it hasn’t been applied to. The process of releasing from skin rash is conservative enough and not very fast. Usually the first evident results can appear in 25-35 days. On the average complete or almost complete clearance takes a few months, although some case were registered where it happened faster. After the last skin rash has disappeared it is highly recommended to keep on rubbing the phytocream into those skin areas considered as intractable ones for as long as for 20-25 days. Please follow this instruction for use as precise as possible. Any attempts made for the purpose of any possible creative „improvements” lead, as significant experience shows, to the decreasing of its positive effect. It is desirable to prefer wearing clothes and linen made of non-synthetical fabrics. You can help yourself trying to avoid overwork and stress situations as well as normalizing your day regimen and assigning enough time for a rest. When using the remiPsor we highly recommend you to exclude alcohol consumption due to itsdistructive effect to the active phytocomponents. It is desirable that you keep on a diet typical for psoriasis-affected people that means to exclude from the diet intake of tomatoes (in any form), reduce consumption of fat dishes. One or two liter of water a day will be useful for you.